We have updated the Global Ozone Chemistry and Related Trace gas Data Records for the Stratosphere (GOZCARDS) data (see Froidevaux et al. [2015]) with yearly netCDF files (2013-2016) of merged monthly zonal mean ozone mixing ratio profiles versus pressure. For this ongoing merged satellite record, we have updated the public records (version 1 GOZCARDS ozone data, originally produced for 1979-2012) with Aura MLS data from 2013 through 2016; for 2015 and 2016, we adjusted MLS v4.2 zonal means to match MLS v2.2 data, in order to extend the original GOZCARDS mixing ratios (based on v2.2) in a homogeneous way. All GOZCARDS merged data files (including those mentioned below) also include standard deviation and standard error profiles, along with other information/metadata. A new GOZCARDS record (version 2.2, 1979-2016) was produced in a way similar to the creation of the original GOZCARDS data, but on twice as fine a pressure grid in the stratosphere, by using updated HALOE, SAGE-I, SAGE-II, and Aura MLS data sets on this finer grid. Furthermore, as there was some interest in a data set using just HALOE and Aura MLS mixing ratios versus pressure, we also produced this type of new GOZCARDS data record (version 2.1 for 1991-2016) on the finer vertical grid. We briefly discuss some comparisons among the above GOZCARDS data records, as well as between GOZCARDS and other long-term merged ozone data sets (e.g., the Stratospheric Water and OzOne Satellite Homogenized (SWOOSH) data set, see Davis et al. [2016]).