3:30 PM
Variability of tropical water vapor from CMIP6 GCMs and ESA CCI+ “Water Vapor” climate data records
Jia He
(LATMOS, Guyancourt, France)
3:45 PM
Evaluation of water vapour changes in CMIP6 simulations
Richard Allan
(University of Reading)
4:00 PM
Evaluating CMIP6 models with ESACCI data and the ESMValTool
Axel Lauer
(DLR, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre)
4:15 PM
Water vapour validation in a general circulation model: effects of model resolution
William Ingram
(Met Office Hadley Centre)
4:30 PM
Examining Water Vapour Residency Times from Observational and AMIP Ensembles
Tim Trent
(Universiy of Leicester)
4:45 PM
Discussion of climate analysis, applications & process studies