Jun 14 – 16, 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone


The Water Vapour Climate Change Initiative (WV_cci) is a project of the European Space Agency (ESA) with the overall goal to generate climate data records (CDRs) of atmospheric water vapour for use in climate applications. The project develops, validates, and releases quality-controlled, long-term CDRs of total column water vapour (TCWV) and water vapour profiles in the stratosphere (2D), as well as a five-year data record of water vapour profiles in the troposphere and lower stratosphere (3D).


The aim of the workshop is to bring together the broader water vapour community, including those interested in the generation of water vapour CDRs and data users (such as climate modellers and NWP researchers) in order to discuss the most recent scientific applications and challenges in processing and using water vapour CDRs.

Topics of the workshop include:

  • Discuss challenges related to the generation of water vapour CDRs.
  • Show-case climate user applications of water vapour CDRs (with focus on WV_cci CDRs).
  • Collect and update user requirements for atmospheric water vapour.
  • Present and discuss results from climate analysis, climate applications, and process studies using water vapour CDRs.


The workshop will be carried out online as a Zoom webinar, consisting of a series of 12' (+2') presentations and discussion blocks. Splinter groups: TCWV, stratosphere and UTLS.

The workshop is scheduled Mon 14 – Wed 16 June 2021 at 14–17 CEST / 13–16 BST / 6–9 MDT. 

A link to the Zoom webinar was sent by e-mail to registered participants.

Presentation material can be downloaded after log in.
