Registration for onsite participation closes from March 6 onwards. Registration for remote/online participation stays open.
The programme of the second General Assembly can be found below.
Onsite presenters:
Preferably, you can use your own laptop with HDMI connection to present.
Nevertheless, there is also the option to provide your presentation in pdf or pptx to me at the technical table in the auditorium, at the latest one hour before your presentation.
To onsite participants, when contributing to the discussion, please wait for the microphone.
Online presenters:
Share your screen over zoom and put it in presentation or full-screen mode.
Onsite: The Brussels Planetarium, Boechoutlaan 10, 1020 Brussels. Click on 'information and reservations' to see how you can reach it. Book a nearby hotel through .
The Programme Committee exists of Anna Belehaki, Yin Chen, Jean-Marie Chevalier, Tamas Kiss, Barbara Matyjasiak, Hanna Rothkaehl, Bruinsma Sean, Angeliki Thanasou
The Local Organising Committee: Nicolas Bergeot, Bram Bourgoignie, Jean-Marie Chevalier, Elke D'Huys, Tobias Verhulst, Petra Vanlommel
With support of the Royal Observatory of Belgium, Royal Meteorological Institute and the Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence