It is the season of the STCE annual meeting. Time to present the highlights of the past year.
Recently, we redefined the key domains and topics covering the activities funded by the STCE. We are still refining it. It is a continuous process that keeps the STCE dynamic.
The domains are: Instrumentation & observations, research, operations, community engagement, management. Each domain includes several topics. Which? Check the link in the left menu.
The STCE looks always for collaborations amongst ourselves and stakeholders. The recent Mother's Day Storm offers a wonderful opportunity to show how the different groups in the different domains complement each other.
The (draft) timetable is available in the left menu.
To register, click on 'Register' in the left menu.
Deadline for registration: Wednesday June 19, included.
Thursday June 27, 10:00-13:00 in room Stratus, in the former Director's house of the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMI) - orange in the picture below. The doors open at 9:30.
Lunch is served around 13:00 in room 1+2 in the Director's house of the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB) - green in the picture below.