25–26 Oct 2017
Royal Observatory of Belgium
Europe/Brussels timezone

Management and dissemination of GNSS site log metadata using the new GeodesyML standard

26 Oct 2017, 11:30
Meridian Room (Royal Observatory of Belgium)

Meridian Room

Royal Observatory of Belgium

Ringlaan 3, 1180 Brussels, Belgium


Mr Andras Fabian (ROB)


In July 2009, the EPN Central Bureau released its GUI for on-line site log validation and submission tool to replace its mail-based site log submission and validation. Since that time, the EPN network has grown considerably in number of stations and complexity. In addition, with the upcoming European Plate Oberving System (EPOS), there is now a need for a single European facility that has the capability to manage, validate, and submit the site logs of 3000+ of GNSS stations. Independently of the network (EPN, EPN densification, or EPOS) this facility should respond to one of the primary needs of the station managers, which is to upload their station metadata just once and after its validation these metadata are updated within the all metadata systems of networks to which the station contributes. In addition, we realize that the task of keeping metadata up it data, complete and synchronized can be more efficient for data centers as well as analysis centers. All this requires the usage of systems that facility machine-to-machine exchange. Also recognizing this need, within the International GNSS Service, a new machine-to-machine exchange format (known as GeodesyML) for the exchange of site logs is under development. This format has the goal to maximize the interoperability in support of M2M exchange of metadata. In order to respond to all these needs, the Royal Observatory of Belgium is developing a completely new on-line GNSS station metadata management and dissemination system. In this presentation, we will explain the philosophy of the system and show a demo version. To illustrate any further usage in this presentation we demonstrate some functionality based on a Web service, which can also be offered by the new web application. This is useful for any further third party application to synchronize and download the collection of the metadata. In addition to the submission of site logs, the system will in the future also allow to upload site pictures and individual antenna calibration files. For the EPN, the transition from the present on-line site log validation and submission tool will be done gradually.
Session Session 2: Improving the EPN products

Primary author

Mr Andras Fabian (ROB)


Dr Carine Bruyninx (Royal Observatory of Belgium) Dr Juliette Legrand (ROB)

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