25–26 Oct 2017
Royal Observatory of Belgium
Europe/Brussels timezone

Status of EPN Real-Time Activities

25 Oct 2017, 10:00
Meridian Room (Royal Observatory of Belgium)

Meridian Room

Royal Observatory of Belgium

Ringlaan 3, 1180 Brussels, Belgium


Wolfgang Soehne (BKG)


Beside hourly and/or daily RINEX files, almost have of the EPN stations are providing GNSS data in real-time. The real-time data is provided through three EPN broadcasters, located at ASI, BKG and ROB. The data is used for a variety of applications, e.g. satellite Orbit and clock corrections, troposphere and ionosphere processing. Thanks to the Monitoring efforts made by the EPN Central Bureau, some improvement has been made concerning homogenization of the broadcasters. Upcoming changes, e.g. upgrade to RTCM 3.2 / 3.3 and long mount-Point naming will be discussed. However, there is still no specific EUREF-related real-time product nor specific real-time Analysis Centres. We will discuss whether there are possible solutions for this deciciency.
Session Session 1: Activities of the EUREF Governing Board

Primary author

Wolfgang Soehne (BKG)


Carine Bruyninx (ROB) Rosa Pacione (ASI/e-GEOS)

Presentation materials

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