25–26 Oct 2017
Royal Observatory of Belgium
Europe/Brussels timezone

A new ETRS89 realization in Spain

26 Oct 2017, 09:45
Meridian Room (Royal Observatory of Belgium)

Meridian Room

Royal Observatory of Belgium

Ringlaan 3, 1180 Brussels, Belgium




The implementation of ETRS89 in Spain was stablished by law in 2007 and is based on the REGENTE passive geodetic network that relies on GPS techniques. On the other hand, the installation and modernization of GNSS permanent stations/networks throughout Spain has been steadily growing hereafter. Actually, the current picture is that the access of the users to the ETRS89 frame is mostly done through these new active GNSS networks, run by national or regional agencies or even private companies, rather than from REGENTE. The broad use of the increasingly accurate both real-time and post-processed positioning services based on GNSS techniques, makes necessary to modernize and harmonize the reference frame for all public GNSS networks in Spain, given the non-uniqueness of the different solutions currently co-existing. The geodetic reference frame for almost all these active networks was usually provided by IGN in ETRF05, but other agencies did their own processing and alignment to other geodetic frames, such as ETRF00. A Working Group was stablished in 2015 with the major goal of harmonizing and standardizing a unique and common reference framework in ETRF00 for all public GNSS networks in Spain, Canary Islands excluded as long as ETRF is not extendable to that area. Individual daily-based solutions of four Analysis Centers, (ARA, ICGC, IGE and ITACyL) have been combined in order to compute a timewise stacking of these combined daily solutions. Three of them provide solutions to EPN-D (ARA, ICGC and IGE) and one of them (IGE) is an EUREF-LAC and has participated in EPN repro activities. The time span of the considered normal equations covers the full IGb08 lifetime, this is GPS week 1632 to 1933, both included. The stacking of the daily files has strictly implemented the EUREF TWG recommendations for Network Densifications and the EPN A C1934 release has been used to set the velocities and positions of the datum sites. This Working Group also will extend the processing in the future in order to monitor, in a permanent basis, the coordinates of all the available stations.
Session Session 3: Towards an official EPN densification product

Primary authors

Mrs Anna Baron (Institut Cartografic i Geologic de Catalunya (ICGC)) Mr Joaquin Zurutuza (Instituto de Estadistica y Cartografia de Andalucia (IECA)) Mr Jose Antonio SANCHEZ SOBRINO (Mr.) Mr Marcelino Valdes (Instituto Geografico Nacional) Mr Modesto Blanco (Instituto Tecnologico Agrario de Castilla-Leon (ITACYL))

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