25–26 Oct 2017
Royal Observatory of Belgium
Europe/Brussels timezone

The UPA LAC Status and Contribution to the EPN Densification

25 Oct 2017, 16:00
Meridian Room (Royal Observatory of Belgium)

Meridian Room

Royal Observatory of Belgium

Ringlaan 3, 1180 Brussels, Belgium


Dr Zurutuza Joaquin (UPA/ARA)


The University of Padova (UPA) Local Analysis Center (LAC) computes a dense GNSS Network (679 stations in the cumulative solution as of September 6th, 2017) that covers Italy and includes stations from other countries as well: Austria, Albania and Greece. Two solutions are computed using CODE products: a RAPID solution, using RAPID CODE products, in the 24 hours after the end of the previous day, and a FINAL solution, 2 weeks later, with FINAL CODE products. The daily procedure foresees a cross validation of the RINEX metadata with the IGS compliant logsheets that are maintained by the UPA LAC team. If any equipment inconsistency between the RINEX metadata and the logsheet is detected, the Station Operator is automatically reported and, eventually, if no actions are taken, UPA will contact the Operator by phone to sort the problem out. Then, the logsheets and BSW needed files are updated accordingly (STA file, mainly) and the correct station equipment is used in the FINAL solution. To detect sudden jumps in the coordinates, we use as reference the nominal coordinates mapped to the session epoch using the cumulative adjusted values for coordinates and velocities. These ‘predicted’ coordinates are compared to the adjusted ones by means of a Helmert 3D transformation. We declare the occurrence of a coordinate jump is the differences (predicted – adjusted) exceeds 15 mm in any component. This procedure complies with the ACC procedure in checking the outliers in the weekly combined solution of the EPN. It also allows us to decide on new solution numbers to be assigned to the coordinate time series of non EPN sites. These solution numbers are stored in a ‘soln’ file which is communicated to the EPN Densification Project and in the national database. Taking into account that all the densification sites have a unique 4-char id and DOMES number, the generated SINEX files can be imported in any project of densification European or worldwide. The resulting velocity file is currently used in several projects of deformation monitoring at the national level. The file is regularly sent to the Densification Project lead by E. Brockman in support of a European velocity field based on the classical approach.
Session Session 3: Towards an official EPN densification product

Primary author

Dr Zurutuza Joaquin (UPA/ARA)


Mr Bertocco Mauro (CISAS) Prof. Caporali Alessandro (University of Padova)

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