25–26 Oct 2017
Royal Observatory of Belgium
Europe/Brussels timezone

ROBER: Progress Towards a New Tool for the Day-to-Day Management of a GNSS Analysis Centre

26 Oct 2017, 12:00
Meridian Room (Royal Observatory of Belgium)

Meridian Room

Royal Observatory of Belgium

Ringlaan 3, 1180 Brussels, Belgium


Dr Eric Pottiaux (Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB))


The Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB) is developing a new tool, called “ROBER”, in order to enhance the reliability of its final products (coordinates, tropospheric parameters…) obtained from a GNSS network solution, and to be able to manage the significant increase in the number of GNSS stations that happened over the past years. Therefore, ROBER aims to monitor, analyse and take decisions at all sequential steps of a GNSS network solution performed by the BERNESE GNSS Software v5.2 (Dach et al. 2015). It consists of three main components. The first component enable the extraction of performance metrics and their storage in MySQL databases, along with well-documented meta-data. The second component analyses some of these metrics, identified as Key Performance Indicators (KPI), and use them to track down any source of performance degradation as early as possible in the processing. The third component consists in either applying directly decision models to solve automatically for a performance degradation, or – at least - in notifying the user for possible imprecise results when an automated decision cannot happen. In the latter case, the full set of metrics (first component of ROBER) serves to inspect manually the origin of the suspected problem. Finally, the three components are bind together by a prototype web-based user interface, offering graphical representation of the metrics, statistics, tables, reports… The ultimate goal of ROBER is to be integrated in the various analysis centre operated by ROB, such as those operated in the context of EUREF and E-GVAP, to help in their day-to-day management. In this presentation, we will introduce ROBER, summarize its current development and implementation stage, and illustrate some of its capabilities based on the exploitation of operational network solutions obtained by these ROB analysis centres.
Session Session 4: Open session

Primary author

Dr Miltiadis Chatzinikos (Royal Observatory of Belgium)


Dr Carine Bruyninx (Royal Observatory of Belgium) Dr Eric Pottiaux (Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB)) Dr Juliette Legrand (ROB)

Presentation materials

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