Nadir (Royal Observatory of Belgium)


Royal Observatory of Belgium

Can LOFAR be valuable for the STCE space weather services and vice versa? Participants René Vermeulen - ASTRON Gert Kruithof - ASTRON Richard Fallows - ASTRON Ronald Van der Linden - ROB director and STCE general manager Christophe Marque - Head of the Radio group, ROB/STCE Jasmina Magdalenic - Radio Scientist Antonio Martinez - Radio and USET engineer Jesse Andries - Head of Space Weather Forecast Centre, ROB/STCE Nicolas Bergeot - GNSS - Ionospheric Scientist Petra Vanlommel - STCE coordination and communication
    • 1
      Welcome & introduction of the ROB and STCE
      Speaker: Ronald Van der Linden
    • 2
      ASTRON, LOFAR and Space Weather
      Speakers: Gert Kruithof, René Vermeulen, Richard Fallows
    • 3
      Solar radio observations and space weather
      Speakers: Antonio Martinez, Christophe Marqué, Jasmina Magdalenic
    • 4
      Space weather forecasting and related activities at ROB/STCE
      Speaker: Jesse Andries
    • 5
      Ionospheric models and their applications
      Speaker: Nicolas Bergeot