Oct 23 – 27, 2017
Europe/London timezone

Get presentations

Here are the presentations done during the joint session and the DA part of the meeting.

Oral presentations

Masatomo Fujiwara and Quentin Errera: Greeting & Introduction 

Center Activities Updates

Joint S-RIP/DA Presentations

SPARC DA presentations I 

SPARC Activity Updates

SPARC DA presentations II 

Poster presentations

  • Yayoi Harada: Time evolution of wave amplification events of the upper- tropospheric zonal wavenumber two and its influence on the stratospheric circulation during the boreal winter
  • Chiaki Kobayashi: Interannual variation of zonal mean state and mean meridional circulation
  • Jingwei Liu: Evaluation and comparison of the recent Chinese reanalysis products with several other reanalysis dataset
  • Tianbao Zhao: Surface Relative Humidity Changes in Reanalysis and Observations
  • Hella Garny :Variability and Trends in the shallow branch of the Brewer- Dobson circulation and its connection to the subtropical jet
  • Sean Davis and Amy Butler: CFSR Model Layer Data Set
  • Craig Long: How Well do the Renalyses Capture the TLS Hiatus?
  • Jonas Debosscher: Model ozone deficit in BASCOE