Here are the presentations done during the joint session and the DA part of the meeting.
Oral presentations
Masatomo Fujiwara and Quentin Errera: Greeting & Introduction
Center Activities Updates
- Craig Long: NOAA updates
- Kris Wargan: NASA updates
- Yayoi Harada: JRA updates
- Rosana Dragani: ECMWF updates
Joint S-RIP/DA Presentations
- Ed Gerber: The strength of the diabatic circulation
- Peter Hoor (invited): On the search for the right coordinates: UTLS composition and dynamical variability
- Michaela Hegglin: Variability and Long-Term Changes in Upper Tropospheric Jets from Reanalyses
- Thomas von Clarmann: The direct inversion of the continuity equation: Recent developments
- Adrian Simmons (invited): ERA5
- Stegios Misios: Solar cycle signatures in atmospheric and oceanic reanalyses
- John McCormack: Comparison of Diurnal Tide, 2-day, and 5-day Waves in MERRA2, JRA55, and ERA-Interim
- Judith Perlwitz (invited): Future of SPARC
SPARC DA presentations I
- Patrick Laloyaux (invited): New DA techniques and applications for stratospheric data sets
- Bruce Ingleby: Assimilation of stratospheric radiosonde data
- Quentin Errera: BRAM: Reanalysis of stratospheric chemical composition based on Aura MLS
- Mark Olsen (invited): Using Reanalysis-Constrained Model Simulations to Evaluate and Investigate Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange of Mass and Ozone
- Nathaniel Livesey (invited): Prospects for future spaceborne measurements of interest to the SPARC DA Community and how to improve those prospects
SPARC Activity Updates
- Federico Fierli: Overview of the ACAM SPARC-IGAC initiative: Objectives and current activities
- Andrew Charlton- Perez: Stratospheric Network for the Assessment of Predictability: Update
- Scott Osprey: Recent Developments in the SPARC-QBOi Activity
- Fuqing Zhang: SPARC gravity wave group activity report
- Irina Petropavlovskikh: LOTUS: Current ozone profile data sets, regression analyses and trend results
- Edwin Gerber: The DynVarMIP and Future Plans for the Activity
- Amanda Maycock: The SPARC Atmospheric Temperature Changes and their Drivers Activity
- Bernd Funke: SOLARIS-HEPPA: Ongoing activities and synergies with SPARC-DA
SPARC DA presentations II
- John McCormack: Observation Sensitivity Experiments with a High Altitude Meteorological Analysis System
- Kris Wargan: Extending the GEOS ozone observing system with the OMPS Limb Profiler data
- Nicholas Pedatella: Analysis and forecast experiments of the chemical and dynamical variability during the 2009 sudden stratosphere warming
- Valery Yudin: Variability of Tidal Dynamics in the Whole Atmosphere Models
Poster presentations
- Yayoi Harada: Time evolution of wave amplification events of the upper- tropospheric zonal wavenumber two and its influence on the stratospheric circulation during the boreal winter
- Chiaki Kobayashi: Interannual variation of zonal mean state and mean meridional circulation
- Jingwei Liu: Evaluation and comparison of the recent Chinese reanalysis products with several other reanalysis dataset
- Tianbao Zhao: Surface Relative Humidity Changes in Reanalysis and Observations
- Hella Garny :Variability and Trends in the shallow branch of the Brewer- Dobson circulation and its connection to the subtropical jet
- Sean Davis and Amy Butler: CFSR Model Layer Data Set
- Craig Long: How Well do the Renalyses Capture the TLS Hiatus?
- Jonas Debosscher: Model ozone deficit in BASCOE