June 27, 2024
Royal Meteorological Institute
Europe/Brussels timezone

ICME impact on plasma turbulence and complexity at Venus, Earth and Mars.

Jun 27, 2024, 10:20 AM
Director's house, room Stratus (Royal Meteorological Institute)

Director's house, room Stratus

Royal Meteorological Institute


Marius Echim (IASB)


We investigate the effects of ICME on the properties of turbulence and intermittency detected in the magnetosheath of Venus and Mars and compare with properties detected in the Earth’s magnetosheath when impacted by the same interplanetary event. We select two Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection (ICME) events, one in January 2009 which hit Venus and Earth and the second one in 2018 which hit Earth and Mars. We use magnetic field and plasma data provided by Venus Express, Cluster and MAVEN on which we apply a full set of analysis methods including computation of Power Spectral Density (PSD), Probability Density Functions (PDFs) and the flatness. We compare the spectral index and the intermittent range of scales (where we observe scale dependent/increasing flatness) obtained for the non-magnetized planets with the same turbulence descriptors obtained for the Earth. We also compare planetary magnetosheath turbulence and intermittency properties observed during space weather events with quiet times results, for each planetary system.

Format regular presentation

Primary author

Marius Echim (IASB)


Dr Andrey Zhukov (ORB) Dr Costel Munteanu (ISS) Dr Daria Shukhobodskaya (ORB) Dr Eliza Teodorescu (ISS) Dr Fabio Bacchini (IASB) Prof. Giovani Lapenta (KUL) Dr Harikrishnan Aravindakshan (KUL) Dr Luciano Rodriguez (ORB)

Presentation materials