This is a course which is intended as an entry course on space weather, ionospheric weather and its impacts on radio communication. The course brings together Radio research, GNSS, HF radio communication and ionospheric research and Space Weather Services .
It provides an elementary overview over the relevant aspects of space weather impacts without invoking complicated background physics.
End terms
To provide representatives from interested organisations with the knowhow relevant for ionospheric communication, so they become able to distribute this information within their proper organisations and tailor it to their respective communities.
The course encompasses the principles behind the ionosphere without getting bogged down in math. From there, it will elaborate on ionospheric propagation, like it is used in HF communication. The behaviour of the ionosphere on both temperate, high and low latitudes will be discussed, along with the eccentricities that accompany these regions. Knowledge of these principles is readily portable to other forms of communication affected by the ionosphere such as SATCOM/GNSS and VLF, allowing the course to seamlessly make a small excursion along these topics.
Finally, relevant space weather phenomena will be outlined, together with a comprehensive discussion on how they affect the aforementioned communication links.
The insights gained in this course allow the participants to make appropriate tactical and strategic estimations that relate to link success, choice of equipment and proper frequency selection.
Profile of the participants
Bachlors level / senior NCO active in the communications technology community
Masters level / Officer active active in the communications technology community
The working language is English.
The fee is 750 EUR. During registration you will be asked for the info needed to make an invoice. Note that the STCE doesn't charge VAT.
If your organisation will send us a purchase order for your participation, please make sure that this purchase order contains the information: 'Participation of "YOUR NAME" to the course of the Space Weather Education Centre of "MONTH YEAR".
Laptop or tablet
It is recommended that participants bring a laptop or tablet as it is helpful to check the presentations.
This is an organisation of the Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence