Yongheng Zhao
(National Astronomical Observatories of China)
The regular survey of LAMOST began in September 2012 and will end
in June 2017 after the completion of 5 observation seasons. In the
first regular survey, the projects of the LAMOST Experiment for
Galactic Understanding and Exploration (LEGUE) and
the LAMOST Extra-GAlactic Survey (LEGAS) have obtained many
scientific achievements.
The LEGUE project yields a unique data set of more than 6 million
stellar spectra and allows one to study the stellar populations,
chemical composition, kinematics and structure of the disk and
the halo, the gravitational potential and dark matter distribution,
the interstellar dust extinction, rare objects (e.g.
extremely metal-poor or hyper-velocity stars), and ultimately
advance our understanding of the assemblage of the Milky Way
and other galaxies and the origin of regularity and diversity of
their properties.
Primary author
Yongheng Zhao
(National Astronomical Observatories of China)