12 October 2017
Royal Observatory of Belgium
UTC timezone

Multi-domain analysis of the microlensing survey data

12 Oct 2017, 10:40
Meridian Room (Royal Observatory of Belgium)

Meridian Room

Royal Observatory of Belgium

Ringlaan 3, 1180 Brussels, Belgium


Dr Yogesh Joshi (Scientist ARIES)


Long-term microlensing projects with small telescopes have been going on for a long time across the globe. Although these surveys have been successful in detecting many microlensing events, their success lie in the detection of thousands of variable stars from the large data set gathered over a period of time. One such survey has been carried out towards M31 with a 1-m telescope for four years during 1998-2002. Under this survey, we have not only detected microlensing events but a large number of pulsating stars, cataclysmic events and exotic variables in M31. In this talk, I shall summarize our efforts on running such project at Nainital and the results obtained out of this survey. This kind of project has wider implications in the context of upcoming 4-m International Liquid Mirror Telescope at Devasthal which will generate a huge amount of data and is expected to detect a large number of variable stars.

Primary author

Dr Yogesh Joshi (Scientist ARIES)

Presentation materials