12 October 2017
Royal Observatory of Belgium
UTC timezone

Dust in the Solar System and the Milky Way

12 Oct 2017, 11:40
Meridian Room (Royal Observatory of Belgium)

Meridian Room

Royal Observatory of Belgium

Ringlaan 3, 1180 Brussels, Belgium


Dr Shashikiran Ganesh (Physical Research Laboratory, Navarangpura, Ahmedabad, 380 009, India)


A common theme running through our work using facilities at Mount Abu IR Observatory (MIRO) and the IR archival data from surveys such as ISOGAL, DENIS, 2MASS, GLIMPSE etc. is that of 'dust'. We have studied the dust constituting the cometary comae for various comets over the last 2 to 3 decades using an optical photo-polarimeter on telescopes in India (at Mount Abu and earlier at Nainital as well as Kavalur). As far as the archival data is concerned, we have worked on the ISOGAL, DENIS, 2MASS and GLIMPSE datasets to study the Galactic plane - particularly the extinction due to interstellar dust. Some results from both these scales will be discussed in the presentation.

Primary author

Dr Shashikiran Ganesh (Physical Research Laboratory, Navarangpura, Ahmedabad, 380 009, India)

Presentation materials