24–26 Oct 2018
Europe/Brussels timezone

Analysis of post-earthquake reconstruction in Pompeii (RECAP Program)

25 Oct 2018, 13:00


Keynote Session 3


Dr Hélène Dessales (Ecole normale supérieure)


Due to its particular geological context, the town of Pompeii and its surroundings are an exceptional ‘laboratory’, subject to a double volcanic and seismic risk. It stands out as it wasthe victim of two earthquakes before the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. The first, in 63 AD is well known because it is recorded in the texts of Seneca and Tacitus, while the second, which happened around the year 70 AD, is only identified in the archaeological records from the site. The project RECAP aims to reproduce the conditions of reconstruction and the technical choices made according to the perceived risk in this symbolic Roman town. It is based on a pluridisciplinary approach (archaeology, 3D modelling, and structural engineering). We will present more specifically the archaeological methods and databases, which allowed determining the typology of building techniques and post-earthquake repairs.

Primary author

Dr Hélène Dessales (Ecole normale supérieure)

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