24–26 Oct 2018
Europe/Brussels timezone

Impact of historic “key events” on the results of seismic hazard assessment

25 Oct 2018, 11:40


Oral Preference Session 3 Orals Session 3


Dr Silke Beinersdorf (Dr.-Ing.)


The completion of version 2.1 of the magnitude-oriented earthquake catalogue for German and adjacent areas EKDAG - extended Ahorner catalogue (as of December 2014) gave rise to the question of the influence of current catalogue entries (or their changes) and the hazard analyses highlighting them on practical engineering applications. This question was fundamentally extended to the question of the consideration of uncertainties in the entire calculation chain in a modularly structured procedure and by combining current research activities. It was to be accepted that in the context of a damage prognosis based on probabilistic seismic hazard analyses (PSHA) earthquake catalogues provide the basic data, but in the course of the preparation of seismicity models (and the relationships describing the seismic action implemented there) they become a secondary influencing factor, provided that the return periods relevant for the design of general buildings (up to about 2500 years) are considered. The presentations will focus on the impact of different magnitude levels for selected model to give an impression of the state of a currently processed calculation tool, which establishes the connection between probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, site-specific generated soil movement models and damage prognoses for the concrete site and development situation and is thus intended to enable concrete risk statements for existing structures.

Primary author

Dr Silke Beinersdorf (Dr.-Ing.)


Christian Golbs (seismotec GmbH) Christian Kaufmann (Earthquake Damage Analysis Center, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) Jochen Schwarz (EDAC, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany)

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