21–23 Sept 2015
Royal Observatory of Belgium
Europe/Brussels timezone

Progress towards understanding the degradation affecting the PROBA2/LYRA instrument

23 Sept 2015, 11:15
Meridian Room (Royal Observatory of Belgium)

Meridian Room

Royal Observatory of Belgium

Avenue Circulaire - 3 - Ringlaan 1180 Brussels
5-Future solar missions and degradation in space of solar instruments


Marie Dominique (ROB)


In the quest of understanding and modeling the solar spectral irradiance, it is mandatory to make use of data originating from multiple sources, either as input of the models or for their validation. LYRA, the Large Yield Radiometer embarked on the European Space Agency Proba2 mission, is such a source of datasets. The instrument was launched on 2 November 2009 and acquires solar irradiance measurements in four broad spectral channels from the soft X-ray to the middle ultraviolet at high cadence (nominally 20 Hz). Nevertheless, the instrument suffered a very strong degradation starting immediately after launch. In this work, we present our analysis the observed degradation and on how it affects the use of the instrument for SSI modeling, as well as our efforts to incorporate a valid degradation correction in the calibration process.

Primary author

Marie Dominique (ROB)


Mr Ingolf Dammasch (Royal Observatory of Belgium) Dr Laurence Wauters (ROB)

Presentation materials

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