Sep 21 – 23, 2015
Royal Observatory of Belgium
Europe/Brussels timezone

The Solar Spectral Irradiance in the Near IR

Sep 23, 2015, 9:00 AM
Meridian Room (Royal Observatory of Belgium)

Meridian Room

Royal Observatory of Belgium

Avenue Circulaire - 3 - Ringlaan 1180 Brussels
3-Results from recent space missions


Dr David Bolsée (BIRA-IASB)


Bolsée D., Pereira N. BIRA-IASB, 3 avenue Circulaire, 1180 Brussels, Belgium The Solar Spectral Irradiance measurements in the near-infrared spectral region are available from space since 20 years. Ground-based or airborne datasets are also available. Apparent discrepancies not in accordance with the standard uncertainty calculations have been found between the datasets. A review is presented on the instrumental causes of the discrepancies, the absolute calibration and instrument performances, in particular for SOLAR/SOLSPEC onboard the Internal Space Station and for IRESPERAD (ground-based measurements).

Primary author

Dr David Bolsée (BIRA-IASB)


Mr Nuno Pereira (BIRA-IASB)

Presentation materials

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