42nd EWGLAM - 27th SRNWP Workshop


The 42nd European Working Group on Limited-Area Modelling (EWGLAM) and 27th Short Range NWP (SRNWP) EUMETNET meetings, organized by the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMI), will take place from 28 September 2020 to 2 October 2020.

Due to the current pandemic with the corona virus, it has been decided that this will be an online meeting.


  1. We would like to ask all people desiring to attend the meeting to register through the online form below (Deadline: August 31th 2020), and to provide all the information requested.
  2. If you intend to present a national poster, please send the summary of your poster in one slide (preferably in pptx format) to Balazs Szintai (szintai.b@met.hu) (Deadline: August 31th 2020).
  3. Contributions to the thematic sessions in the form of 20-minute presentations (including questions) are welcome. If you intend to give a presentation, please contact the relevant person below according to the subject (Deadline: August 31th 2020):
Subject Contact information
Data assimilation bruce.macpherson@metoffice.gov.uk
Dynamics and lateral boundary coupling  szintai.b@met.hu
Link with applications  onvlee@knmi.nl
Physical parameterisation (upper air) 


Predictability and EPS 


Surface and soil processes (model and data assimilation)  patrick.samuelsson@smhi.se
System aspects  szintai.b@met.hu


The agenda of this meeting is empty