The workshop will be a virtual MS Teams meeting starting at 14h UTC, with two sessions of 3:45. The detailed meeting agenda can be found here
Tropospheric ozone (Tue 28 May)
- Keynote Dr. Roeland Van Malderen (KMI, Belgium): Harmonization of tropospheric ozone data for TOAR II
- Overview of tropospheric ozone Climate Data Records by ESA CCI
- Oral presentations by user community
- Discussion of user needs and requirements
Stratospheric (and total) ozone (Wed 29 May)
- Keynote Prof. Susan Solomon (MIT, USA): On today’s challenges in understanding the ozone layer
- Keynote Dr. Paul Newman (NASA GSFC, USA): The 2026 WMO/UNEP Ozone Assessment
- Overview of stratospheric and total ozone Climate Data Records by ESA CCI
- Oral presentations by user community
- Discussion of user needs and requirements