Jun 4 – 5, 2015
IASB-BIRA (RMI Royal Meteorologic Institute meeting room)
UTC timezone

Five Belgian research teams and two international partners work together to face Contemporary physical challenges in Heliospheric and AstRophyscial Models (or CHARM).

The origin of this network comes from recognition of each team's weakness and finding colleague teams to fill the gaps. This way, common grounds across the disciplines have been identified, varying from solar, magnetospheric and heliospheric, to galactic or cosmologically driven curiosities.

IASB-BIRA (RMI Royal Meteorologic Institute meeting room)
RMI meeting room
3 av. circulaire B-1180 Brussels
CHARM partners: KU Leuven - Centre for mathematical Plasma Astrophysics UGent - Astronomical Observatory ULB - Statistical and Plasma Physics group ROB - Solar Physics and Space Weather directorate BISA - Solar Wind Unit International: University of Leiden - CAstLe research group Durham University - Institute for Computational Cosmology You are invited to register and send in an abstract of your talk before May 22. The scheduled program will be updated shortly after that date. We hope to see you in great numbers.