Viviane Pierrard
(Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy)
6/4/15, 10:15 AM
Rony Keppens
(CmPA, Department of Mathematics, KU Leuven)
6/4/15, 10:25 AM
Stefaan Poedts
(KU Leuven)
6/4/15, 10:55 AM
Centre for mathematical Plasma-Astrophysics, KU Leuven,
Celestijnenlaan 200B, 3001 Leuven, Belgium
Rony Keppens
(CmPA, Department of Mathematics, KU Leuven)
6/4/15, 11:20 AM
We present numerical simulations with MPI-AMRVAC of solar prominences, embedded in a realistically stratified solar atmosphere. The prominences show vigorous nonlinear magnetoconvective motions, as their density contrast triggers Rayleigh-Taylor/interchange instability dynamics. We present virtual SDO/AIA views, and contrast our findings with observational ones.
Xia Fang
(Afdeling Plasma-astrofysica)
6/4/15, 11:45 AM
We extend our earlier multidimensional, magnetohydrodynamic simulations of coronal rain occurring in magnetic arcades with higher resolution, grid-adaptive computations covering a much longer ($>6$ hour) timespan.
We quantify how in-situ forming blob-like condensations grow along and across field lines and show that rain showers can occur in limit cycles, here demonstrated for the first time...
Sofia-Paraskevi Moschou
(BISA-IASB & CmPA, KULeuven)
6/4/15, 12:10 PM
Coronal rain phenomena are simulated in 3D setups in a magnetic configuration of a quadrupolar arcade system. A magnetohydrodynamic simulation is presented including three gain-loss terms, anisotropic thermal conduction, optically thin radiative losses, and parametrised heating to construct a realistic arcade configuration from chromospheric to coronal heights. Evaporated plasma from...
Yuriy Voitenko
(Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy)
6/4/15, 12:35 PM
UTR-2 (Kharkiv, Ukraine) and URAN-2 (Poltava, Ukraine) are world-largest radio telescopes at decametric wavelengths. High sensitivity and time resolution of these telescopes allowed revealing many new features of the coronal radio emission. We discuss narrow-band coronal radio bursts at 23-35 MHz with frequency drift rates ~ 110 kHz. These bursts appear between type III and type II bursts and...
Peter Camps
(Ghent University)
6/4/15, 2:00 PM
Do the simulated EAGLE galaxies look like observed galaxies?
The EAGLE project is a campaign of large-scale cosmological simulations aimed at examining the formation of galaxies (Schaye et al. 2014). One major improvement is the treatment of feedback from massive stars and accreting black holes, which allows winds to develop naturally without predetermined speed or mass loading factors....
Marie Dominique
6/4/15, 2:25 PM
Sub-minute quasi-periodic pulsations have been reported in the impulsive phase of several solar flares in wavelengths ranging from radio waves to Hard X-Ray. However, their detection remains a challenge as observations with a good signal-to-noise ratio and a high acquisition cadence are required.
LYRA, the Large Yield Radiometer onboard PROBA2 has a signal-to-noise ratio and a high...
Graciela López Rosson
6/4/15, 2:50 PM
Geomagnetic storms can be unpredictable, as long as the response of the radiation belts.
Sometimes we observe flux enhancements mainly after Dst events (electrons), or SEP (protons and alpha particles), but there are also another times, which are less commons, when particles almost disappear from certain regions. These flux variations affect and change the configuration of the Van Allen...
Yana Maneva
(CmPA at KU Leuven)
6/4/15, 3:40 PM
We perform 2.5D hybrid simulations to study the turbulent heating and acceleration of protons and minor ions in collisionless homogeneous fast solar wind. The focus of this work is wave-particle interactions at the intermediate ion scales, therefore the small-scale electrons are considered as charge-neutralizing isothermal fluid and the electron intertia in our approach is neglected. The...
Athanassios Katsiyannis
(Royal Observatory of Belgium)
6/4/15, 4:30 PM
The Large Yield RAdiometer (LYRA) is an ultraviolet irradiance
radiometer on-board ESA's PROBA2 micro-satellite. Since it's launch in
2009 it observes the Sun in four different passbands, chosen for their
relevance to solar physics, aeronomy and space weather. Flying on an
altitude of 735km, LYRA proved to be an excellent flare monitor and is
involved in the analysis the atmospheric...
Viviane Pierrard
(Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy)
6/5/15, 10:10 AM
Recent progress of kinetic models for space plasmas will be reported. Concerning the solar wind, exospheric model based on kappa distributions for the electrons are coupled with coronal conditions deduced from spacecraft observations and from MHD models. Dynamical simulations are also developed for particles trapped in the inner magnetosphere and the results are compared with satellite...
Giovanni Lapenta
6/5/15, 10:35 AM
Based on the recent works published in 2014:
- Daldorff, L. K., Tóth, G., Gombosi, T. I., Lapenta, G., Amaya, J., Markidis, S., & Brackbill, J. U. (2014). Two-way coupling of a global Hall magnetohydrodynamics model with a local implicit particle-in-cell model. Journal of Computational Physics, 268, 236-254.
- Ashour‐Abdalla, M., Lapenta, G., Walker, R. J., El‐Alaoui, M., & Liang, H....
Fabio Bacchini
(KU Leuven)
6/5/15, 11:00 AM
We present a new Lagrangian, multi-dimensional, fluid PiC code for MHD space simulations, based on the FLIP-MHD method designed by Brackbill. In contrast with standard kinetic PiC codes, Slurm uses particles as carriers of all the conserved quantities, while advancing the macroscopic properties of the plasma on a Lagrangian grid. The communication between particles and grid is allowed through...
Emanuele Cazzola
6/5/15, 11:25 AM
Results from fully kinetic simulations of magnetic reconnection with asymmetric profiles of the magnetic field and density across the current sheet are presented.
Two different initial layers are simulated. The first layer represents the continuous hyperbolic profiles observed at the dayside of the magnetopause. The second layer instead represents the same asymmetries under the presence of a...
Kris Borremans
(Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy)
6/5/15, 11:50 AM
We discuss the dynamics of the radiation belts by launching electrons and protons in the inner magnetosphere and investigate the trajectory of the particles. A hot issue today concerning radiation belts is the question if there are relativistic electrons in the inner belt. The observations of relativistic electrons in the inner belt and the South Atlantic Anomaly are possibly caused by proton...
tom theuns
(Institute for Computational Cosmology, Durham University)
6/5/15, 2:00 PM
I will present an overview of some of the Eagle projects concentrating on submitted or published papers, and on the paper led by Charm PhD student James Trayford on the galaxy colour-magnitude diagram.
Robbert Verbeke
6/5/15, 2:25 PM
In the ΛCDM model, cosmic structure forms in a hierarchical fashion. According to this paradigm,
even low-mass dwarf galaxies grow via smooth accretion and mergers. Given the low masses of dwarf
galaxies and their even smaller progenitors, the UV background is expected to have a significant
influence on their gas content and, consequently, their star formation histories. Generally,...
Bert Vandenbroucke
(Universiteit Gent)
6/5/15, 2:50 PM
Mesh-free hydrodynamical methods as introduced by *Hopkins (2014)* provide a promising symbiosis of particle based and mesh based Lagrangian hydrodynamical methods. They couple the accuracy of finite volume methods to the computational strengths of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). To this end, the fluid is discretized as a set of particles, as in SPH. Volumes for the particles are...
Elke D'Huys
(Royal Observatory of Belgium)
Many natural processes exhibit power law behavior in distributions of measurements such as spatial dimensions and energy content. The exponent of the power law distribution is linked to the underlying physical process and far-reaching conclusions are therefore often derived from its precise value. For example, the enigmatic coronal heating problem is believed to be instantly solved if the...