July 31, 2017 to August 3, 2017
Royal Observatory of Belgium
UTC timezone
<br>2nd LAMOST-Kepler workshop<br><br>LAMOST in the era of large spectroscopic surveys<P><img src="https://events.oma.be/indico/event/26/picture/0.jpg" width="466" height="50">

Low-metallicity pulsating stars in the LAMOST DR1

Aug 1, 2017, 10:00 AM
Meridian Room (Royal Observatory of Belgium)

Meridian Room

Royal Observatory of Belgium

Contributed talk 2.2 The LAMOST as a large spectroscopic survey 2.2 The LAMOST as a large spectroscopic survey


Mrs Filiz Kahraman Alicavus (Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University)


In this study, the results of low-metallicity pulsating stars' research are presented. The stars were selected from the LAMOST DR1 catalogue considering the ranges of [6500:8600] K, [3.6:4.8] dex, and [-2.4:-0.5] dex of effective temperature T_eff, surface gravity logg, and metallicity [Fe/H], respectively. Photometric data of the selected stars were taken from WASP. The stars showing light variation were determined and the frequency analysis was performed. The spectral types, T_eff, and projected rotational velocities vsini of the stars were derived. Additionally, the proper motions of the stars were obtained to check whether the stars belong to the thick disc or halo. As a result of the research, five confirmed, two candidate RR Lyrae stars, and three candidate SX Phe stars were found.

Primary author

Mrs Filiz Kahraman Alicavus (Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University)

Presentation materials