2017 annual CHARM Meeting

Meridian Room (Royal Observatory of Belgium)

Meridian Room

Royal Observatory of Belgium

3 Ringlaan 1180, Brussel, Belgium
David Berghmans (Royal Observatory of Belgium), Ronny Keppens (KULeuven)

The purpose of the meeting is to review the ongoing activities at the 7 CHARM partners up till the end of the CHARM project later in 2017.

This CHARM meeting is hosted by the Royal Observatory of Belgium on Friday March 10, 2017 in the so-called Meridian Room. The meeting will start at 10:00 AM and finish no later than 17:00 PM. Registration and lunch are free.

Talks should aim at a duration of 15 min, such that a few minutes remain for questions and laptop switching.

The presentations will be made available afterwards through this website.