Aug 27 – 29, 2018
Paris, France
Europe/Paris timezone

Small spacecraft and big objectives: INSPIRE in the New Space world

Aug 27, 2018, 2:15 PM
Charpak room (Paris, France)

Charpak room

Paris, France

Pierre and Marie Curie campus Sorbonne University


Dr Daniel Baker (LASP)


Small spacecraft can be a great learning and training tool, but can also contribute greatly to science advancement. While small spacecraft cannot do everything in the science realm, they can fill important niches and they can complement the major missions of the various national space agencies. Especially in key arenas such as Earth observation and space weather monitoring, small missions can provide crucial data that inform policy decisions and can more quickly be developed and launched than will be the large operational systems. Understanding the proper role for small missions now and in the future is a key aspect of the INSPIRE strategy that must be understood going forward.

Primary author

Dr Daniel Baker (LASP)

Presentation materials