Aug 27 – 29, 2018
Paris, France
Europe/Paris timezone

IDEASSat - A 3U CubeSat for Ionospheric Science and Capacity Building

Aug 28, 2018, 9:00 AM
Charpak room (Paris, France)

Charpak room

Paris, France

Pierre and Marie Curie campus Sorbonne University
talk Session 1: The INSPIRE program Session 1: The INSPIRE program


Prof. Loren Chang (National Central University)


CubeSats are rapidly becoming a viable platform for scientific observations, in addition to their long established role in engineering education. In this presentation, we share our experiences in initiating a CubeSat development and operations program at National Central University (NCU) in Taiwan, building on a foundation of ionospheric research and payload development, as well as participation in INSPIRE. Leveraging our experience from involvement with INSPIRESat-1, we are developing the Ionosphere Dynamics Explorer and Attitude Subsystem Satellite (IDEASSat) - a 3U CubeSat mission funded in part by the Taiwan National Space Organization (NSPO). Like INSPIRESat-1, IDEASSat uses the Compact Ionosphere Probe as primary payload, but is subject to constraints including limited mass and power. When completed and launched, IDEASSat, in conjunction with FORMOSAT-5 and INSPIRESat-1 will provide new opportunities for expanded ionospheric observations. Development of the spacecraft is a key mission of the new Space Science and Technology Research Center being established at NCU, as well as a component of the new aerospace engineering curriculum.

Primary author

Prof. Loren Chang (National Central University)


Dr Amal Chandran (Nanyang Technological University) Prof. Chi-Kuang Chao (National Central University)

Presentation materials