Aug 27 – 29, 2018
Paris, France
Europe/Paris timezone

The Structural Design and Analysis of IDEASSat

Not scheduled
Charpak room (Paris, France)

Charpak room

Paris, France

Pierre and Marie Curie campus Sorbonne University
talk Session 1: The INSPIRE program


Mr Shih-Chi Chiu (Shih-Yu Chiu)


IDEASSat (Ionosphere Dynamics Exploration and Attitude Subsystem Satellite) is a CubeSat mission developed by National Central University, Taiwan. It collaborates with partners in the INSPIRE consortium and will be launched in Summer 2020. The dimension of IDEASSat shall be a 3U (30 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm) CubeSat, conforming to CalPoly CubeSat Design Specifications. The structure shall provide the required support, alignment, and stiffness required by all spacecraft components and subsystems during integration, transport, launch, deployment, and nominal operation. In this presentation, the structural requirements of CubeSat deployer for IDEASSat will be present. Besides, we will demonstrate the assembly process of the entire satellite and composition of materials from the architecture to each subsystem, and show the validation results from quasi static, modal, shock and random vibration and thermal control analysis.

Primary author

Mr Shih-Chi Chiu (Shih-Yu Chiu)


Prof. Loren Chang (National Central University)

Presentation materials

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