Aug 27 – 29, 2018
Paris, France
Europe/Paris timezone

Invited: The EArth enerGy imbalance ExploreR (EAGER) mission concept

Aug 29, 2018, 10:40 AM
Charpak room (Paris, France)

Charpak room

Paris, France

Pierre and Marie Curie campus Sorbonne University
talk Session 3: Small satellite missions, future missions and challenges Session 3: Small satellite missions


Dr Margit Haberreiter (PMOD/WRC)


The closure of the Earth energy budget, i.e. the measurement of the difference between the incoming and outgoing radiation at the top of the Earth’s atmosphere (TOA), the Earth Energy Imbalance (EEI), is seen as a key step for improving further our understanding of global climate change. We present the EArth enerGy imbalance ExploreR (EAGER) mission concept, which is dedicated to determine the EEI through measuring simultaneously the incoming Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) and TOA outgoing reflected solar and the thermal radiation. To ensure the highest possible accuracy and stability for the EEI observations the TSI and TOR observations will be carried out with the same DARA type absolute radiometers built at PMOD/WRC. In addition, the Solar Spectral Irradiance will be measured with high accuracy and stability by using the DARA-type TSI sensors in combination with transfer filters for the UV, visible and IR part of the spectrum, complemented by ionisation chambers for the calibration in the EUV wavelength range. Moreover, a new cryogenic detector technology is foreseen for the IR part of the spectrum. For the Earth observations, fast and wide field-of-view bolometric sensors will be used to provide daily full Earth coverage of the TOR. These measurements will be calibrated by a stable Earth-pointing DARA instrument. Ultimately, by using the DARA-type TSI radiometers as in-flight calibration facility we will be in the position to determine the EEI from space with the necessary precision, and as such fill a long standing knowledge gap in climate research.

Primary author

Dr Margit Haberreiter (PMOD/WRC)


the Eager Team (PMOD/WRC)

Presentation materials