2:00 PM
First results from the 2017/2018 LidAr VAlidation NDacc Experiment at Observatoire Haute Provence
Wolfgang Steinbrecht
(Deutscher Wetterdienst)
2:18 PM
Overview of LOTUS-related data production activities at FMI
Viktoria Sofieva
(Finnish Meteorological Institute)
2:36 PM
Merging of ozone profiles from SCIAMACHY, OMPS and SAGE II observations to study stratospheric ozone changes
Carlo Arosio
(Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen)
2:54 PM
Metrological requirements for quality assurance of ozone datasets at the climate data store
Michael Taylor
(University of Reading)
3:12 PM
Constructing a unified ozone composite: needs and outcomes
William Ball
(PMOD/WRC Davos & IAC/ETH Zurich)