PECASUS, of which STCE is part, is one of the three selected global centres that delivers a worldwide space weather service for civil aviation.
Sporadic and massive eruptions of very high-energy matter and radiation from the Sun can have a pronounced impact on communications, navigation and the health of passengers and crew. The exposure of the aviation community to space weather has increased since the opening of the northern polar routes at the end of the 20th century. Measures to meet safety regulations in aviation are enforced. PECASUS delivers concise, accurate and timely information for preserving maximum possible flight safety during extreme solar events.
PECASUS is a collaboration between Finland, Belgium, UK, Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Austria, and Cyprus. STCE Belgium is the main data hub, provides solar data and generates 24/7 validated advisories bringing together the solar, GNSS and particle radiation expertise present at BIRA-IASB, RMI and ROB.
Some impressions: