Apr 26 – 27, 2016
Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB)
Europe/Brussels timezone
<a href="https://events.oma.be/indico/event/19/">Next Event: 2nd COST ES1206 sub-WG Workshop on Data Homogenisation in Warsaw, Poland, 23-25 January 2017</a>

A reference IWV dataset combining IGS repro1 and ERA-Interim reanalysis for the assessment of homogenization algorithms

Apr 26, 2016, 2:10 PM
Nadir Room (Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB))

Nadir Room

Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB)

Avenue Circualire, 3 1180 Uccle (Brussels) Belgium
Oral Presentation Opening Sessions Opening Session


Dr Olivier Bock (IGN)


This presentation will give insights into the GPS and ERA-Interim IWV datasets provided to WG3 for the assessment of homogenization algorithms: - Processing characteristics of IGS repro1 (and their limitations) - Screening of the GPS ZTD data - Conversion of GPS ZTD to IWV - Computation of ERA-Interim IWV data at the location of GPS stations - Statistical analysis of GPS minus ERA-Interim IWV differences - Screening and validation and of the IWV differences (removal of sites with large representativeness differences) The dataset is limited to 120 global sites with data available for the 1995-2010 period. The IWV data and differences are provided at daily and monthly time resolutions.

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