Apr 26 – 27, 2016
Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB)
Europe/Brussels timezone
<a href="https://events.oma.be/indico/event/19/">Next Event: 2nd COST ES1206 sub-WG Workshop on Data Homogenisation in Warsaw, Poland, 23-25 January 2017</a>


Technical Session on Homogenization Algorithms

Apr 26, 2016, 2:25 PM
Nadir Room (Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB))

Nadir Room

Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB)

Avenue Circualire, 3 1180 Uccle (Brussels) Belgium


Technical Session on Homogenization Algorithms

  • Eric Pottiaux (Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB))
  • Roeland Van Malderen (Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium)


This session is dedicated to the description of homogenisation algorithms. Each participant who can give details about the use of such algorithms are invited to contribute to this session.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Olivier Bock (IGN)
4/26/16, 3:05 PM
Oral Presentation
4/26/16, 3:45 PM
Building timetable...