Homogenisation : Status and Expectations of Individual Work
- Eric Pottiaux (Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB))
- Roeland Van Malderen (Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium)
This session is dedicated to the analysis and inter-comparision of the detected breakpoints and homogenised dataset. Each participant having a set of detected breakpoint and/or homogenised dataset is welcome to present his results in this session.
Michal Elias
(Geodetic Observatory Pecny)
4/26/16, 4:15 PM
Homogenisation : Status and Expectations of Individual Work
Oral Presentation
We analyzed the method related to change-point detection. The method is based on a second correlated series that can be relied on to be correct. The preliminary results show that over 30% of analyzed monthly time-series are presented as being inhomogeneous and this also applies to over 65% of daily time-series data.
Simeonov Tzvetan
4/26/16, 4:25 PM
Homogenisation : Status and Expectations of Individual Work
Oral Presentation
The homogenization activities in GFZ Potsdam consist of two different efforts: homogenization of IWV and ZTD time series from GNSS ground-based stations and homogenization of VLBI derived coordinates and troposphere products. The latest studies in the GNSS field were the analysis of 101 stations time series on a global scale using Penalized Maximal t test (PMT). The VLBI effort is an analysis...
Olivier Bock
4/26/16, 4:35 PM
Oral Presentation
Roeland Van Malderen
(Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium)
4/26/16, 4:45 PM
Homogenisation : Status and Expectations of Individual Work
Oral Presentation
We present the break points that have been identified in the IGS repro 1 IWV series by applying nonparametric rank-sum tests on the daily and monthly IWV differences of the IGS repro 1 reference dataset and the ERA-interim reanalysis output at the station locations.
We also applied the same tests on the IGS repro 1 ZTD and IWV time series and compare all the identified break points with each...