Apr 26 – 27, 2016
Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB)
Europe/Brussels timezone
<a href="https://events.oma.be/indico/event/19/">Next Event: 2nd COST ES1206 sub-WG Workshop on Data Homogenisation in Warsaw, Poland, 23-25 January 2017</a>


Future Plans and Outcome of our Activities

Apr 27, 2016, 11:00 AM
Nadir Room (Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB))

Nadir Room

Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB)

Avenue Circualire, 3 1180 Uccle (Brussels) Belgium


Future Plans and Outcome of our Activities

  • Eric Pottiaux (Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB))
  • Roeland Van Malderen (Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium)


This session is dedicated to discuss this sub-WG3 future plan and the expected outcomes of our activities. This covers the following topics:

  • Exchange format for the homogenized time series and their meta-data (prior and after homogenization)
  • What to do with existing a priori meta-data: always correct them? or not ? What's the impact on the trends...
  • Inter-compare results (e.g. trends) in the original reference dataset and in the homogenized dataset time series
  • Access to deliverable(s)
  • Referencing (Acknowledgement, co-authorship, DOI... ?)
  • Discussion "Paper in the Special Issue"
  • Any link to past/present/future activities ?

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Building timetable...