28–29 May 2020
Europe/Brussels timezone

OSIRIS Data Record Update

28 May 2020, 18:05



Prof. Doug Degenstein (University of Saskatchewan)


This short presentation will give an update related to the continuing OSIRIS data record and how it fits into both the SAGE II/OSIRIS and the SAGE II/OSIRIS/OMPS-LP USask 2D time series. These time series will be evaluated through comparison with an MLS data record that has been converted from pressure and volume mixing ratio to altitude and number density using both ERA Interim and shifted MLS GPH. The evaluation will include an analysis of drifts in the OSIRIS based data records with respect to the MLS based data record.

Primary authors

Prof. Doug Degenstein (University of Saskatchewan) Prof. Adam Bourassa (University of Saskatchewan) Dr Daniel Zawada (University of Saskatchewan) Mr Chris Roth (University of Saskatchewan)

Presentation materials

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