Get the pdf of the (DA and S-RIP) agenda here.
Monday, October 17, 2016: SPARC DA workshop
0830-0900 Arrival, registration, coffee and muffins
0900-0920 James Anstey and Quentin Errera: Greetings and Introduction
Theme - Representation of the stratosphere-mesosphere in models and analyses
Chair: Simon Chabrillat and TBD
0920-1005 David Kuhl (invited): Middle Atmosphere Operational Data Assimilation with the Use of Ensembles
1005-1035 John McCormack: Analysis and Validation of Winds from High Altitude Meteorological Analyses during Northern Hemisphere winters of 2009-2010 and 2012-2013
1035-1105 BREAK
1105-1135 Steven Eckermann: Modification and Application of the Navy Global Environmental Model (NAVGEM) to Generate High-Altitude (0-100 km) Global Atmospheric Reanalyses of the 2014 Austral Winter for the Deep Propagating Gravity Wave Experiment (DEEPWAVE)
1135-1205 Quentin Errera: Evaluation of the BASCOE CTM using data assimilation
1205-1235 Yvan Orsolini: Energetic Particle Precipitation In The Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere In WACCM
1235-1345 LUNCH
1345-1430 Martin Charron (invited & remotely): Recent developments on the Canadian GEM weather prediction model: grid, transport, and interactive ozone
1430-1450 All: Discussion around the theme (led by Simon Chabrillat)
Theme - Future directions (instruments, modelling, DA methods)
Chair: John McCormack
1450-1535 Nick Pedatella (invited): Ensemble Data Assimilation in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model
1535-1605 BREAK
1605-1650 Emmanuel Dekemper (invited): The ALTIUS mission: status and expected performance of O3, NO2 and aerosols limb measurements
1650-1720 Moudi Igri: Main weather associated with ITCZ position as simulated by WRF-3DVar data assimilation system over West and Central Africa
1720-1740 All: Discussion around the theme (led by John McCormack)
1740 Adjourn
Tuesday, October 18, 2016: SPARC DA workshop
0830-0900 Arrival, registration, coffee and muffins
Theme - Harmonization of long-term data record and bias correction in data assimilation
Chair: Kris Wargan
0900-0945 David Plummer (invited): The use of re-analysis datasets to constrain the atmospheric dynamics in long-term chemistry-climate simulations
0945-1015 Gloria Manney: The MUSTARD project
1015-1045 Gabi Stiller (invited): The SPARC WAter Vapour ASsessment (WAVAS) activity, phase II: Overview and status
1045-1115 BREAK
1115-1200 Thomas von Clarmann (invited): The TUNER project (Towards Unified Error Propagation)
1200-1220 All: Discussion around the theme (led by Kris Wargan)
1220-1240 Quentin Errera: Discussion on future directions of SPARC DAWG, next yearÕs workshop, etc.
1240 Adjourn
Wednesday, October 19, 2016: SPARC DA/S-RIP joint session
0830-0900 Arrival, registration, coffee and muffins
0900-0905 James Anstey: Welcome, Local Info
Chair: Quentin Errera
0905-0920 Masatomo Fujiwara: Greetings and S-RIP Introduction
0920-0950 Jonathon Wright (invited): Chapter 2 + ACP special issue + S-RIP 2016 Report Status
0950-1020 Craig Long (invited): Chapter 3 summary
1020-1030 All: Chapter 3 Discussion (led by Craig Long)
1030-1115 POSTERS
Chair: Masatomo Fujiwara
1115-1145 Sean Davis (invited): Chapter 4 summary
1145-1155 All: Chapter 4 Discussion (led by Sean Davis)
1155-1220 Kris Wargan (invited): NASA updates
1220-1245 Rosana Dragani (invited): ECMWF updates
Chair: Gloria Manney
1415-1440 Craig Long (invited): NOAA updates
1440-1505 Yayoi Harada (invited): JRA updates
1505-1525 Toshiki Iwasaki: Impacts of low-level polar cold air outbreaks on Brewer-Dobson circulations
1525-1555 Paul Konopka (invited): How robust are stratospheric H2O trends derived from different re-analysis products?
1555-1625 BREAK
Chair: Lesley Grey
1625-1645 Thomas von Clarmann: Another Approach to the Brewer-Dobson Circulation: The Direct Inversion of the Continuity Equation
1645-1705 Tianbao Zhao: Evaluation of atmospheric precipitable water from reanalysis products using homogenized radiosonde observations over China
1705-1735 Tao Wang (invited): Lagrangian cold point temperatures and transit time inferred from a forward trajectory model
1735-1805 Peter Hitchcock (invited): Evaluating reanalyses prior to 1979 for studies of stratosphere-troposphere coupling
18:05 Adjourn & Workshop Dinner
Poster boards will be available during the whole week and we invite participants to display their poster during their stay.
The poster session will be held on Wednesday during the morning break.
Sean Davis: The Stratospheric Water and Ozone Satellite Homogenized (SWOOSH) database: A long-term database for climate studies
Chiaki Kobayashi: Changes in the Brewer-Dobson Circulation in JRA-55
Zachary Lawrence: Using CAVE-ART to characterize and track the evolution of stratospheric polar vortices
Shunsuke Noguchi: On the Reproducibility of the September 2002 Vortex Splitting Event in the Antarctic Stratosphere Achieved by Conventional Observations Only
Kazutoshi Sagi (presented by Yvan Orsolini): Two mechanisms of stratospheric ozone loss in the Northern hemisphere, studied using data assimilation of Odin/SMR atmospheric observations
Takatoshi Sakazaki: Radiative inconsistency in the extra-tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere due to water vapor seen in chemistry climate models
Jingwei Liu: Verification and evaluation of the preliminary experimental Chinese reanalysis products
Yvan Orsolini: Duration and decay of extreme vortex events in the polar stratosphere: comparison of the ECMWF seasonal forecast model with re-analyses