Here are the pdf of the presentations done during the DA and DA/SRIP joint session.
Oral presentations
Quentin Errera: Introduction
Theme 1 - Representation of the stratosphere-mesosphere in models and analyses
- David Kuhl (invited): Middle Atmosphere Operational Data Assimilation with the Use of Ensembles
- John McCormack: Analysis and Validation of Winds from High Altitude Meteorological Analyses during Northern Hemisphere winters of 2009-2010 and 2012-2013
- Steven Eckermann: Modification and Application of the Navy Global Environmental Model (NAVGEM) to Generate High-Altitude (0-100 km) Global Atmospheric Reanalyses of the 2014 Austral Winter for the Deep Propagating Gravity Wave Experiment (DEEPWAVE)
- Quentin Errera: Evaluation of the BASCOE CTM using data assimilation
- Yvan Orsolini: Energetic Particle Precipitation In The Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere In WACCM
- Martin Charron (invited & remotely): Recent developments on the Canadian GEM weather prediction model: grid, transport, and interactive ozone
Theme 2 - Future directions (instruments, modelling, DA methods)
- Nick Pedatella (invited): Ensemble Data Assimilation in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model
- Emmanuel Dekemper (invited): The ALTIUS mission: status and expected performance of O3, NO2 and aerosols limb measurements
- Moudi Igri: Main weather associated with ITCZ position as simulated by WRF-3DVar data assimilation system over West and Central Africa
Theme 3 - Harmonization of long-term data record and bias correction in data assimilation
- David Plummer (invited): The use of re-analysis datasets to constrain the atmospheric dynamics in long-term chemistry-climate simulations
- Gloria Manney: The MUSTARD project
- Gabi Stiller (invited): The SPARC WAter Vapour ASsessment (WAVAS) activity, phase II: Overview and status
- Thomas von Clarmann (invited): The TUNER project (Towards Unified Error Propagation)
- Quentin Errera: Discussion on future directions of SPARC DAWG, next year’s workshop, etc.
Theme 4 - S-RIP
- Masatomo Fujiwara: Greetings and S-RIP Introduction
- Jonathon Wright (invited): SRIP Chapter 2 + ACP special issue + S-RIP 2016 Report Status
- Craig Long (invited): SRIP Chapter 3 summary
- Sean Davis (invited): SRIP Chapter 4 summary
- Kris Wargan (invited): NASA updates
- Rosana Dragani (invited): ECMWF updates
- Craig Long (invited): NOAA updates
- Yayoi Harada (invited): JRA updates
- Toshiki Iwasaki: Impacts of low-level polar cold air outbreaks on Brewer-Dobson circulations
- Paul Konopka (invited): How robust are stratospheric H2O trends derived from different re-analysis products?
- Thomas von Clarmann: Another Approach to the Brewer-Dobson Circulation: The Direct Inversion of the Continuity Equation
- Tianbao Zhao: Evaluation of atmospheric precipitable water from reanalysis products using homogenized radiosonde observations over China
- Tao Wang (invited): Lagrangian cold point temperatures and transit time inferred from a forward trajectory model
- Peter Hitchcock (invited): Evaluating reanalyses prior to 1979 for studies of stratosphere-troposphere coupling
Poster presentations
- Sean Davis: The Stratospheric Water and Ozone Satellite Homogenized (SWOOSH) database: A long-term database for climate studies
- Chiaki Kobayashi: Changes in the Brewer-Dobson Circulation in JRA-55
- Zachary Lawrence: Using CAVE-ART to characterize and track the evolution of stratospheric polar vortices
- Shunsuke Noguchi: On the Reproducibility of the September 2002 Vortex Splitting Event in the Antarctic Stratosphere Achieved by Conventional Observations Only
- Kazutoshi Sagi (presented by Yvan Orsolini): Two mechanisms of stratospheric ozone loss in the Northern hemisphere, studied using data assimilation of Odin/SMR atmospheric observations
- Takatoshi Sakazaki: Radiative inconsistency in the extra-tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere due to water vapor seen in chemistry climate models
- Jingwei Liu: Verification and evaluation of the preliminary experimental Chinese reanalysis products
- Yvan Orsolini: Duration and decay of extreme vortex events in the polar stratosphere: comparison of the ECMWF seasonal forecast model with re-analyses