22–26 May 2023
Palace of the Academies
Europe/Brussels timezone

ALTIUS: Mission Scientific Objectives and Project Status

25 May 2023, 10:10
Palace of the Academies

Palace of the Academies

Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles


Daniel Navarro (ESA)Mr Michael François (ESA/ESTEC)


ALTIUS is a limb sounder mission that for the monitoring of the distribution and evolution of stratospheric ozone at high vertical resolution in support of operational services and long term trend monitoring. The ALTIUS mission will provide detailed stratospheric ozone profiles information at high vertical resolution, which adds valuable information to total column ozone used for data assimilation systems by operational centres based on nadir sounders. Secondary species, aerosol extinction profiles are temperature will be also provided.
The geophysical validation of the different ALTIUS products will provide also valuable scientific opportunities.
The ALTIUS mission is under implementation by ESA within the Earth Watch Program, with participation of Belgium, Canada, Luxembourg, and Romania.
Project is about to start it CDR, with an expected launch end of 2025.
The current Project status and plans covering flight model manufacturing, launch, commissioning, validation, and routine operations will presented.

Primary author


Mr Michael François (ESA/ESTEC) Mrs Luciana Montrone (ESA/ESTEC) Mr Stefano Santandrea (ESA/ESTEC) Dr Tobias Wehr (ESA/ESTEC) Dr Claus Zehner (ESA/ESRIN) Dr Didier Fussen (BISA) Dr Emmanuel Dekemper (BISA)

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