22–26 May 2023
Palace of the Academies
Europe/Brussels timezone

OMPS Limb Profiler Stray Light Updates on SNPP and NOAA-21

23 May 2023, 17:30
Palace of the Academies

Palace of the Academies

Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles
Poster Limb scatter: techniques, algorithms, products Poster session #1


Grace Chen (Science Systems and Applications, Inc, GSFC, NASA)


The Limb Profiler (LP) instrument, part of the Ozone Mapper and Profiler (OMPS) Suite, is designed to measure ozone and aerosol vertical profiles in the stratosphere and to continue long-term ozone data records. The first OMPS LP instrument has been operating on the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite since 2012 and the second LP instrument on the NOAA-21 satellite was launched in November 2022. Although the OMPS LP stray light error does not have a strong influence on the retrievals of stratospheric ozone, it is important for high altitude temperature, mesospheric ozone and stratospheric aerosol profiles. The in-flight stray light is calculated and removed before signals are converted to radiance (or irradiance) with a stray light source and target Jacobian matrix. The correction matrix is based on ground test Point Spread Functions (PSFs) but also been updated for the SNPP LP instrument using in-flight results. In this presentation we will show the stray light updates in SNPP LP product version v2.6 compared to the previous version.

Several design changes to improve stray light performance were made in the second LP instrument, including a modified detector coating and larger spectral/spatial separation of images at the focal plane. By comparing the stray light in UV, Visible and near-IR channels of NOAA-21 and SNPP, we will show the effectiveness of these design updates.

Primary author

Grace Chen (Science Systems and Applications, Inc, GSFC, NASA)


Glen Jaross (NASA/GSFC) Jeremy Warner (Science Systems and Applications, Inc.)

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