22–26 May 2023
Palace of the Academies
Europe/Brussels timezone

Impact of synoptic events on Arctic ozone using data from OMPS-LP, TROPOMI, and the MOSAiC ship campaign

24 May 2023, 11:40
Palace of the Academies

Palace of the Academies

Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles
Oral Trace gases: profiles, trends Trace gases: profiles, trends


Falco Monsees


Large-scale meteorologic events (e.g. cyclones), referred to as synoptic events, strongly influence weather predictability, but still cannot be fully characterized in the Arctic region because of the sparse coverage of measurements. Due to the fact that dynamics in the lower stratosphere and troposphere influences the ozone field, an approach to further analyze these events would be the use of space-borne measurements of ozone vertical distributions and total columns.

In this talk, we investigate the link between synoptic events and changes in the stratospheric ozone by using a combination of the unique measurements during the MOSAiC ship expedition, ozone profile and total column observations by satellite instruments (OMPS-LP, TROPOMI) and ERA-5 data. An approach to automatically identify and track cyclones using ozone observations will be discussed. By determining the altitude range where cyclones have the strongest influence on stratospheric ozone, we can define general conditions to best track cyclones with OMPS-LP ozone measurements.

Primary author


Alexei Rozanov (University of Bremen) Mark Weber (University of Bremen) Dr Annette Rinke John P. Burrows (Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen)

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