22–26 May 2023
Palace of the Academies
Europe/Brussels timezone

OSIRIS on Odin: Over Twenty Two Years of Measurements

23 May 2023, 17:30
Palace of the Academies

Palace of the Academies

Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles
Poster Limb scatter: techniques, algorithms, products Poster session #1


Mr Taran Warnock (University of Saskatchewan)


The OSIRIS instrument has now operated for over 20 years beyond its original two year lifetime and there are no technical reasons why it will not continue to operate for at least the next few years. The Team associated with this Canadian built instrument was part of the initial consortium of scientists that pioneered the concept of these ongoing Limb Workshops. This presentation will summarize the history of OSIRIS and outline some of the many scientific accomplishments made possible with OSIRIS data. It will also give an update on the current status of OSIRIS and introduce the community to some of the new OSIRIS Team.

Primary author

Mr Taran Warnock (University of Saskatchewan)


Adam Bourassa (University of Saskatchewan) Daniel Zawada (University of Saskatchewan) Doug Degenstein (University of Saskatchewa) Kimberlee Dube (University of Saskatchewan) Nicholas Lloyd (University Of Saskatchewan)

Presentation materials

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