22–26 May 2023
Palace of the Academies
Europe/Brussels timezone

Projecting the Lasting Fate of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Eruption on the Stratosphere through Connecting Measurements to Models

23 May 2023, 17:30
Palace of the Academies

Palace of the Academies

Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles
Poster Trace gases: profiles, trends Poster session #1


Dr Luke Oman (NASA/GSFC)


On 15th Jan. 2022 the submarine volcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai (HTHH) injected approximately 0.5 Tg of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere, but more significantly added 150-170 Tg of water vapor to the stratospheric background (over a 10% perturbation) in a matter of several hours. The sulfur dioxide rapidly converted to sulfate aerosol and along with water vapor, was transported around the Southern Hemisphere sub-tropics into midlatitudes with some transport into the Northern Hemisphere. With a much longer lifetime than sulfate aerosol, measurable water vapor anomalies are likely to persist for the remainder of the decade. Satellite measurements from limb and nadir viewing observing instruments provide the information needed to reasonably initialize the HTHH eruption in the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) model using the “replay” framework coupled to the Global Modeling Initiative (GMI) stratosphere-troposphere chemical mechanism for the recent past and continue the simulations into the future with the free running chemistry climate model (CCM). Using a number of model ensemble members together with the satellite observations, we are beginning to quantify how the HTHH eruption is perturbing stratospheric composition and climate and projecting the influences to come as the enhanced water vapor continues to spread globally with only very slow removal mechanisms. We will also discuss some of the future measurement needs to understand how the atmosphere is responding to events like the HTHH eruption, large wildfires, and a changing climate.

Primary author

Dr Luke Oman (NASA/GSFC)


Dr Peter Colarco (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) Dr Qing Liang (NASA/GSFC) Stephen Steenrod (University of Maryland-Baltimore County) Dr Paul Newman (NASA/GSFC) Eric Fleming (Science Systems and Applications, Inc.)

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