22–26 May 2023
Palace of the Academies
Europe/Brussels timezone

NASA Version 2.6 Ozone Profile Product from Suomi NPP OMPS Limb Profiler: summary of algorithmic changes and error analysis

25 May 2023, 14:00
Palace of the Academies

Palace of the Academies

Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles
Oral Limb scatter: techniques, algorithms, products Keynote talk


Dr Natalya Kramarova (NASA GSFC)


The Limb Profiler (LP) is a part of the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite on the Suomi NPP satellite. We present a new version of the ozone profile product processed at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). In this study we summarize changes implemented in version 2.6 including changes in both Level 1 and Level 2 algorithms. In this presentation we focus on algorithmic Level 2 changes. The new retrieval algorithm (version 2.6) uses more wavelengths and combines measurements from UV and VIS parts of the spectra to retrieve a single vertical ozone profile between 12.5 km (or cloud tops) and 57.5 km. To improve ozone retrievals in the Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) region, we implemented a new aerosol correction that assumes a gamma-function particle size distribution. In addition, ozone and nitrogen dioxide cross sections and climatologies were updated. The main improvement in version 2.6 ozone product is the reduction in relative drifts between LP and correlative measurements, which were linked to a drift in the LP altitude registration. Finally, we discuss sensitivity of the ozone retrievals to implemented changes in Level 1 and Level 2 algorithms. We also provide an assessment of the total uncertainty budget.

Primary author

Dr Natalya Kramarova (NASA GSFC)


Alexei Rozanov (University of Bremen) Carlo Arosio (Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen) Glen Jaross (NASA/GSFC) Jungbin Mok (SSAI) Leslie Moy (SSAI/NASA GSFC) Dr Pawan Bhartia (NASA Goddard Space Flilght Center) Philippe Xu (SAIC/NASA GSFC)

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