13–15 Mar 2017
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

The merged SAGE II, Ozone_cci and OMPS ozone profiles for trend studies

13 Mar 2017, 16:10
Room 108, 1st floor, C 44-54

Room 108, 1st floor, C 44-54


Dr Viktoria Sofieva (Finnish Meteorological Institute)


We present the merged monthly zonal mean ozone profile data set for trend analysis. The dataset is created using data from SAGE II, OSIRIS, GOMOS, MIPAS, SCIAMACHY, ACE-FTS and OMPS satellite instruments. In this presentation, we explain the merging method, show examples of data and a preliminary analysis of trends in the vertical distribution of ozone.

Primary author

Dr Viktoria Sofieva (Finnish Meteorological Institute)

Presentation materials