Mar 13 – 15, 2017
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
Europe/Paris timezone


The LOTUS workshop is invite-only and will have selected scheduled oral presentations, posters and ample time for informal discussions in plenary or breakout groups. The detailed agenda will evolve depending on further needs that surface at the workshop.
  • MIDI

    Discussion of activities, results and plans of the working group that constructs O3 profile time series from a number of satellite and/or ground instruments.

    Production of new combined data records, taking advantage of recent developments in data record homogenisation and of longer measurement period. What is the impact of (changing) sampling patterns? What is the impact of instrument drift and biases between instruments? Can reliable estimates of corresponding uncertainty be obtained?

    Working group led by V. Sofieva and R. Damadeo.


    Discussion of activities, results and plans of the working group that performs regression analyses of O3 profile time series.

    Is there a preferred set-up for regression models? How to treat uncertainties? How robust are estimates of trends and trend uncertainties against alternative choices in the regression analysis?

    Working group led by B. Hassler and R. Damadeo.

  • LOTUS report

    Discussions related to the primary goal of LOTUS: publication of a peer-reviewed report in time for the WMO/UNEP 2018 Ozone Assessment.

    Led by LOTUS coordinators (D. Hubert, I. Petropavlovskikh and S. Godin-Beekmann).