Stacey Frith
We use a monte carlo approach to estimate the uncertainty resulting from the merging process in the SBUV-based merged profile ozone data record (SBUV MOD). This is a continuation of a similar analysis approach applied to the total ozone MOD data set (Frith et al., 2014).
Differences between the individual SBUV records are larger in the profile, as they tend to cancel in the column total. Nevertheless the differences among the instruments tend to be smaller than those relative to independent data sources.
Our analysis does not allow us to reliably identify an outlier, thus we choose to keep all instruments and average them out in the MOD. In this work we test various approaches to modelling the observed differences among SBUV instruments using the monte carlo framework. Our goal is to refine our uncertainty estimates in the profile ozone while maintaining consistency with the total ozone uncertainty estimates. We also present regression model results from the LOTUS 'test' time series analysis, which was based on SBUV MOD.
Primary author
Stacey Frith