Oct 9 – 12, 2018
Royal Observatory of Belgium
UTC timezone
<br>2nd BINA Workshop<br><br>BINA as an expanding international collaboration<P><img src="https://events.oma.be/indico/event/48/picture/0.jpg" width="279" height="75">

Three years of AstroSat: India's first mission dedicated to astronomy

Oct 11, 2018, 11:50 AM
Meridian Room (Royal Observatory of Belgium)

Meridian Room

Royal Observatory of Belgium

Ringlaan 3, 1180 Brussels, Belgium
Contributed Talk 3.2. Data & Science with other telescopes of interest 3. Data & Science with other telescopes of interest


Girish V (ISRO)


AstroSat, India’s first dedicated astronomy mission has successfully completed its third year in orbit. The AstroSat observatory carries five astronomy payloads covering from ultraviolet to soft/medium energies to hard X-rays. The data from AstroSat has led to several new scientific results like X-ray polarisation using the Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager (CZTI) and solving of a twenty years puzzle of a cool red star in NGC 188 which is simultaneously very bright in ultraviolet too with the help of the UltraViolet Imaging Telescopes (UVIT). In addition we have detected beat period in X-rays in a magnetic cataclysmic variable V2400 Oph which makes it a discless intermediate polar. This makes it an unique cataclysmic variable as intermediate polars with their low magnetic fields do not disrupt the accretion disc. I will be summarising this detection and will discuss other exciting results from AstroSat in general.

Primary author

Girish V (ISRO)

Presentation materials